Brazil, country of

Corruption, Chaos!

Everything begin with a Constitution The basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it

The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Later wise men like James Madison came up with the idea of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is a series of limitations on the power of the United States Federal government, protecting the natural rights of liberty and property including freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms. To make it short America had very wise men to establish the bases the country needed to grow and develop. As a result US became the most powerful country in the world. So they were right. They really knew what they were doing.

Brazilian ConstitutionClique here to read it in English

StupidityThe Constitution of US is from 1787 and the Bill of Rights from 1789. The Brazilian Constitution is from 1988. So they took about 200 years more than US to come up with their Constitution and when they did it the result was a piece of shit! While American Constitution is bright, wise and full of meaning the Brazilian is stupid, confuse and with no meaning at all! The Brazilian Constitution is full of corporatism, socialist ideals, paternalism and tax problems among many other drivels. So while America got Founding FathersClique here to read more Brazilians got just Founding Fuckers and this is why there are so huge quality difference between the two nations! Here we must put a word of caution to US due the socialist thing the Obama family like such as Clique here to see images and read more "someone is going to have to give up a piece of the pie so that someone else can have more"

Brazilian unwritten ConstitutionClique here to read more

The main reason Brazilian society is a mess is due their unwritten Constitution known as Gerson's Law. The main idea linked to "Gerson's Law" is, undoubtedly, one of the most deeply rooted values in Brazilian culture. While not always openly discussed, the value of that "law", the concept of being "smart", the usage of "connections" or "pulling strings", are part of the conditioned social behaviors that maintain Brazil's cultural, political and social confusion and stupidity. So this is why they are a second class nation.

Each new political and financial scandal is, in effect, a consequence of this cynical axiom: take advantage of every situation to get what you want. American historian Robert M. Levine, director of Latin American Studies at the University of Miami, has made the comment that Brazilians are a kind of people who "pride themselves on being especially creative in their array and variety of gambit suitable for bending rules". In fact, they have so much pride in this that they have actually elevated the bending of legal norms to the status of a highly prized institution: the jeito. This term can be roughly translated as a "knack" or a "clever dodge". It is not hard to understand why they say Brazil is the country of the future. It always will be!

Charles de Gaulle, French President, said in the 60's, during a political crisis between Brazil and France, the famous sentence: "Le Bresil n'est pas um pays serieux" (Brazil is not a serious country). Later the former Brazilian ambassador to France Alves de Souza took responsibility for the phrase. No matter who said that the fact is that Brazil was not serious at that time and remains that way. You can find all kind of irresponsibility there but this recent one stands out: Brazilian PoliticianTiriricaPhoto at the left
Click Photo for video.
, or Francisco Oliveira Silva to give him his real name, was elected as a federal deputy for Sao Paulo with more than 1.3 million votes in 2010 elections for the lower house of Congress. He's an illiterate that made fame and lots of money being a Weirdo on TV shows and singing an one-hit nasty sick music, named "Florentina". His campaign jingle uses the same harmony of this music. Tiririca, or "Grumpy", had slogans such as: "It can't get any worse." or messages such as "What does a federal deputy do? Truly, I don't know. But vote for me and I will find out for you" . The way the Chamber of Deputies is formed - by an open-list proportional representation system - makes it easier for celebrity candidates to win office. All that can happen there and many more because the Founding Fuckers who made the Brazilian Constitution.

Hard to explainDilma, Clinton and ObamaClick here to read about Dilma past as terrorist, bank robber, etc.

How a known terrorist and bank robber also involved in a successful plot to kill an American can visit the White House and be visited by the Secretary of State? Dilma should have been condemned by US courts and, therefore, banned to enter the US or visit the UN. But instead she visited Obama in the White House last year and Obama appeared very pleased with her and so was US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the inauguration of Dilma as President of Brazil.

Since when terrorists are welcome to the White House? What Obama and Clinton has to say to Capt. Charles ChandlerMurdered in cold blood by Dilma's group, in front of his house, his wife and child. Click to read more at the end of the link. family?

Dilma Roussef has criminal recordHer criminal record as bank robber and terrorist. Click to see! Even though she and her terrorist colleagues receive substantial allowances for life because they have been arrested. The family of people whom they have killed get nothing at all. She climbed to the top inside the government because she is a Communist. What kind of world we live? What kind of leaders we have? Just a bunch of hypocrites?

Dilma Roussef is also a known lesbian Her lover Veronica claims to have photos, letters and other documents that prove the long-term relationship and wants to litigate in court the right to a monthly pension. and she is not Bulgarian, her father was. He fled his country because he was a communist activist. Surprisingly (?), in Brazil he was a capitalist and very rich. Dilma had a very bourgeois life, living in a large house and studying at private schools. It is always good to belong to the Communist elite. Elections in Brazil are not decided based on principles or values. Nobody cares if Dilma Roussef murdered or robbed. It is just populism in the cruelest form. She is Lula's lady. Poor people have benefited a little from the end of inflation, and they forgot that this situation was inherited by Lula. So, what Brazilians can expect from Dilma government? Nothing! Dilma Rousseff has no experience in anything but as a ministry of Lula's government! and as ministry she was always preceded and followed by corruption scandals! She had never held a position as a Congresswoman, a Mayor, a Governor, a Senator or anything concerning an elective office. Then, who will govern in case she assumes Presidency? Lula, for sure!

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