Brazil, country of

Corruption, Chaos!

Air Travel in Brazil is a Chaos Political cronyism and chronic under funding in Brazil's infra structure system due politicians corruption is the cause of the air travel chaos.

The Brazilian airports are not ready for the World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games 2016, says Giovanni BisignaniClick here for the full article, director of Iata (International Air Transport Association); in an interview, when asked whether the current aerial network could cope with the expected influx of visitors, the director said: "No, today we would have serious troubles". airport-crisis Bisignani also declared that, if the Brazilian Government decides to privatize existing airports or contract the building of new ones, laws should be passed to guarantee that all airports are ready and fully working in 2014: "the airports can't be turned into money printing machines; there is no point in imposing fines to contractors, if visitors have already been frustrated".

The present major issues in Brazil includes the growing urban violence, the never-ending corruption of Brazilian politicians, and chaotic air travel caused by disgruntled air traffic controllers that has been ongoing since last year. Regarding air travel chaos the main cause is political cronyism and chronic under funding in Brazil's aviation system.

Brazilian politics have long been marred by widespread corruption, and the politicians of today are no different. The government of President Luis Inacio "Lula" da Silva faced accusations of corruption for many years , which Lula has shrugged off because none of it could be traced back directly to him. Now with Dilma no changes are expected. She is Lula's lady and she is always preceded and followed by corruption where she goes.

Awarding Brazil with 2014 FIFA'S World Cup and 2016 Olympics was an act of irresponsibility of all 106 members of International Olympic CommitteeClick to go to their website and the Board of Directors of the Federation Internationale de Football AssociationClick to go to their websiteallowing us to put in doubt their honesty.

FIFA is a hypocrite organization ruled by a hypocrite man named Joseph BlatterClick here to read more including the Thierry Henry case.. Soccer fans everywhere knows FIFA's Fair Play Campaign. Soccer fans everywhere also know what happened during the match between Ireland and France: That deliberate hand ball by Thierry Henry. How Sepp Blatter can be so boldfaced and do nothing about that and still demands fair play from others?

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