Brazil, country of

Corruption, Chaos!

Brazilian National Health Vigilance Agency Anvisa do not protect consumers. Instead it protect Labs and corporatism interests.

Brazilian National Health Vigilance Agency make it almost impossible to common people to place a complaint. In cases that involve finding and investigation, it is not enough to call and denounce. The Ombudsman's Office needs a complete report on the matter, documented proof, as well as everything that may be used to help reach a solution. Citizens should make an official written denunciation and provide all personal information. Denouncing over the telephone is not the most appropriate. Besides consumers must also get support from doctors to their complaints what is almost impossible due the corporatism. So consumers just bend over and take all kind of crap medication from the labs like generics that should contain the same active principle of the regular medication but in Brazil they don't. This is a side effect people suffer in countries like Brazil where corruption is spread everywhere.

Anvisa favors the registration of generics by domestic companies over innovative products by multinationals. In some cases it takes more than two years to register an innovator product. It takes on average 12-14 months to register a new medicine and cost $2,700-27,000 depending on the size of the manufacturer. It takes eight to 12 months to register a similar and cost $7,000. Generics have an accelerated registration process of six to eight months and cost around $2,000.

According to a report by the World Bank, a company in Brazil can spend up to 72% of its profits on taxes and take 2,600 hours per year to fulfill bureaucratic obligations, compared to 430.5 hours in other Latin American Countries and 202.9 in the developed world.

Companies operating in Brazil have to deal with a wide range of regulatory agencies due to the federal structure of the political system, which may increase to hundred per cent the likelihood of demands for bribes by public officials. Public procurement is an area of business where companies are also hundred per cent likely to experience demands for bribes or other irregularities. The Brazilian tax system is complex and reportedly prone to corruption. It is reported that tax collectors frequently ask for bribes to relax assessments and inspections, to refrain from pursuing acts of tax fraud or to give advice on the legal possibilities of reducing tax obligations. They should be called extortioners instead of tax collectors.

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